The Best Examples of Augmented Reality Product Packaging
More and more brands are bringing their packaging to life via Augmented Reality. Augmented Reality can involve gamification, filters, competitions, treasure hunts, or a cool photo opportunity. You can check out our previous augmented reality work or get in touch to create your own.
Here are some of the best uses of augmented reality in packaging.
Lucky Charms
Lucky Charms has created augmented reality packaging that activates an augmented reality scavenger hunt.
Why We Like It
Gamification- The scavenger hunt requires players to collect the virtual Magic Gems. Gamification is great for engagement and Lucky Charms has created a challenging and addictive game.
Competition- Prizes are up for grabs for players who complete the scavenger hunt. This encourages engagement and participation in the augmented reality element.
Thematic- The augmented reality game reflects brand themes and has added value to the packaging making this a great example of augmented reality packaging.
Barni PlanetARium
Barni added a QR code to their packaging, activating an AR planet experience.
Why We Like It
Informative- Augmented reality is great for educational purposes. It can inform consumers about a brand or product or simply trivia topics such as planets!
Gamification – They have included an AR quiz that keeps people playing and engaging.
Sour Patch Kids
Sour Patch Kids created Augmented Reality Packaging that allowed customers to take selfies and videos with augmented reality sour patch kids.
Why We Like It
Interactive – The packaging creates augmented reality sour patch kids. This is very engaging and interactive and highlights the brand.
Shareable- The photo opportunity creates ample social media moments. Customers sharing their photos create organic social media marketing and even the opportunity for virality.
Suggestions for Improvement
Further Engaging Elements – The feature would benefit from including an engaging feature such as a game or filter. It would prove even more impactful and promote the product further.
Ben & Jerry’s AR Gamification
Ben & Jerry’s created an AR game to celebrate the release of their Sundae line and home delivery service.
Why We Like It
Gamification – The experience features a game whereby players add the ingredients needed to make their ice cream. The Augmented Reality element lets players behind the scenes and demonstrates what goes into a tub of Ben & Jerry’s.
Purchase Opportunity – After creating their ice cream players have the opportunity to use Ben & Jerry’s home delivery service. It’s great to include an opportunity to purchase with an augmented reality experience. This allows consumers to purchase straight after experiencing an engaging and fun brand experience.
Brand Connection- This is a fun and creative augmented reality activation which connects consumers with the brand and celebrates new aspects of the brand.
Maggi Noodles AR Recipe Book
Maggi have added an AR recipe book to their packaging.
Scanning a pack of Maggi noodles now leads to an Augmented Reality recipe book. The book features new ideas to use the noodle which increases the likelihood of repurchasing to test out the recipes. It also encourages brand loyalty as it is a fun brand experience.
Dove Connected Packaging
Dove added a scannable AR feature to their three new body lotions. Scanning each bottle results in information about each product including scents, environmental impact and its benefits.
Why We Like It
Comparative – The feature compares the three products using the same reference points. This easily allows consumers to scan them within the store to choose the right product for them.
Digestible Information – The AR feature demonstrates the information in an accessible way and is easier to process than reading the small font on the bottles.
Suggestions for Improvement
Engaging Feature- The feature would benefit from including an engaging feature such as a game or filter. They could also use these to enhance the different products as ‘teams’. For example, if one chose the ‘radiance renew’ bottle it unlocks a specific filter or a game with the product’s colours.
Almond Breeze
Almond Breeze updated their packaging and to accompany this change they developed an AR experience accessible via the packaging. Scanning the QR code launched an AR walk-through of the product its benefits and origins and even access to an Almond breeze orchard.
Why We Like It
Gamification- They have incorporated augmented reality games that feature almonds into the packaging. Gamification is an extremely effective method and increases brand recall and engagement.
Product Specific- Scanning different products produces different results. For example, the banana-flavoured milk unlocks a banana game while the extra creamy milk features information on how it is formulated.
Recipe Ideas- The experience also includes recipe ideas which change according to the seasons. Its always a great idea to incorporate recipes as it increases the chances of repeat purchases and brand loyalty.
Corona- The Ritual of Lime AR Portal
To celebrate “the ritual of lime” Corona created an AR portal. It transports users to a paradise representing the paradise of the Lime Ritual.
The portal demonstrates how properly to serve lime with Corona. Once this is completed users gain access to a snowy paradise. Access the full experience here.
Why We Like It
Emotive- Corona created a completely immersive experience. Thus, the emotive and persuasive language of ‘paradise’ and the snowy scenes are even more impactful. They advertise a paradise that the beer brings and allow one to experience a tiny part of it.
Practical- They have included a feature that informs users of their nearest bar/shop that stocks Corona. ‘Nearest Stockist’ features are great for AR as they tie off the experience nicely with an opportunity to purchase.
Creative- Corona have created a unique campaign as they have focused on one element of the brand (the lime ritual) and backed it up with a full Augmented Reality portal. This is an excellent way to promote an old or new aspect of a product.
Keurig-Brew Over Ice
Keurig have added an augmented reality feature to their boxes showcasing the exact recipe and instructions for a perfect at-home iced coffee. View the full experience here.
Why We Like It
1. Informative – The feature provides helpful tips and tricks to use the pods to make an iced coffee at home. The feature has a clear goal and fulfils these.
2. Entertaining – The tech is very entertaining and detailed making the most of augmented reality. The design is simple and clear but effective.
3. Increases Engagement- This feature is persuasive and promotes the product. It also appeals to young shoppers due to the product and AR feature. This extra engagement with consumers is beneficial for brand recall.
Mtn Dew and Maverik
The well-known energy drink Mtn Dew teamed up with the petrol station Maverik to create an AR experience that allows players to earn a discount. Players scan the bottle which unlocks an augmented reality game. Winning players are awarded a 2-for $3.50 discount on their Mntn Dew. Watch the full experience here.
Why We Like It
1. Fun Augmented Reality Experience- The game is a great use of AR as it incorporates Mtn Dew and is a quick game that can be played within the petrol station. It demonstrates AR’s ability to create engaging experiences.
2. Instant Tangible Reward- The reward is a deal on Mtn Dew and thus is a prize that most people would want. It is available instantly which leaves people feeling satisfied as they have benefitted from the promotion.
3. Persuasive- The collaboration between Maverik and Mtn Dew makes sense. This promotion specifically motivates people to buy a Mtn Dew at Mavrik and is highly beneficial to both parties. It is advertised where Mtn Dew is located within the stores which makes it very alluring and increases engagement.
Nestlé Monopoly Maths
Accessible via a QR code, Nestlé has added an Augmented Reality experience to their cereal packaging. Scanning the code allows users to interact with a maths quiz that uses traditional monopoly pieces to help kids count.
Why We Like It
1. Valuable- This experience is a tangible addition to the product. It drives sales as consumers making a quick purchase can see the additional value that Nestlé is offering to their family breakfasts. Additionally, Augmented Reality is engaging and exciting for kids.
2. Caters for a Dual Audience- The experience is catered toward children and thus features fun characters and colours. However, the maths element appeals to children’s guardians purchasing these products. Nestlé has cleverly catered to both parties with this promotion.
3. Packaging- The cereals that feature Augmented Reality have promotional packaging. Retailers will often promote promotional packaging. It also is more engaging to shoppers.
This is a great use of AR as it is a useful addition for the target audience and will also drive sales.
If you would like to create packaging that features an Augmented Reality element get in touch with us here! We’d love to work together to create something creative and functional.