Loyalty App

'R2S ran our employee rewards app until 2022. They're a pleasure to deal with & delivered a fantastic product that our employees found useful, engaging & rewarding'
Edel Kinane, Commercial Director, Just Eat.

The brief

Just Eat Ireland we’re looking to reward sales teams for signing up restaurants and outlets. Just Eat also wanted to make the ‘initial meeting to sign up’ process easier and more collaborative with other team members.

Background: Previously, sales teams had to log onto Salesforce, filter leads, manually find the directions for each outlet and then once they were back in the office, update the sales progres of each outlet and then confer with colleagues on sales progress at the weekly meeting.

The Product: Using Salesforce API's to fetch all of the information, we built a vibrant, custom app with mapping, personalisation, and gamification techniques at its core. We displayed all of the information in a more friendly, intuitive interface that made the whole experience much more rewarding and easier to use ( especially when out and about, on the road).

Additional Features: We also added an inter-company leaderboard, traffic light system for sales status or each outlet, badges, prizes and other ‘nudges’ to keep people engaged, motivated and empowered.

What We Delivered:

  • Concept Supply,
  • Art Direction Design and Copy,
  • iOS & Android Apps Design & Build
  • Salesforce SSO
  • Turn By Turn Mapping and sales status of all outlets
  • Visualisation & experience design step by step sign up interface
  • Leaderboard showing month by month sign ups for team members, points and prizes
  • Augmented reality ‘Pokemon go’ instant win prizes and ‘level ups’ for unweighted locations
  • Log in for management to view reports and stats
  • App Marketing Comms and automation


  • 88% Daily Active Usage
  • 95% Staff Uptake

‘The Just Eat GoLIVE App struck the right balance between being incredibly useful and engaging and fun. I couldn’t take my eyes off the leader-board to see who was going to win the big monthly prizes as well as those juicy, app notifications awarding random spot prizes for sales progress and client wins’

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