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App Development

Devices showing the Jameson Treasure Hunt Mobile App Development.

App Development

RETURN2SENDER 7 February 2024

We have over 15 years experiencing  all types of apps, for all types of budgets, across all business sectors  on Android, iOS, iPad etc etc.

Mobile App Development

There was a time ( circa 2012) when everyone said ‘no one downloads apps, people will just prefer the web’.

Fast forward to 2024, and you can see that consumer’s appetite (ahem!) for apps has grown and grown, not faded.

The reason? You simply cannot beat a well-designed mobile app as the experience far outweighs a website. Brands can utilise the app’s draws to help consumer experience.

On an app, there are many features that you can leverage that are just not possible on a website. Consequently, app development is crucial to get the most out of your app.

Based in Ireland, we have over 15 years of experience in app development in for all types of apps, for all budgets and across all business sectors on Android, iOS and iPad.

Furthermore, we can include all sorts of features in your app such as gamification elements, QR code treasure hunts, leaderboards, AR experiences and even elements to reward and motivate employees. All these can be utilised to create an amazing promtoional app that enhances consumer/employee experiences.

We develop simple content management systems to update your app and we have first-hand knowledge of all of the subtleties to make your mobile app development a success.

Furthermore, we can help you ‘business case’ your app project and ensure that there is a clearly defined role for your app.

Here are some examples of recent app projects that we have delivered:

Aviva Healthmate-  We created a game for Aviva that allowed users to track their steps in order to win prizes. This is an example of a promotional app we created that seamlessly met the brand’s aims.

A&L Goodbody CPD & HR Law apps– We developed several apps to help trainee lawyers track their progress. The CPD app lists any outstanding CPD requirements and answers FAQs surrounding the process.

Just Eat Employee Rewards App– In this case, employees visited and signed restaurants up to Just Ear in order to win points on the leaderboard. This was a gamified app that improved empoyee incentives.

Cavan Burren Tourism App- This mobile app accompanied walkers as they discovered the Burren. This was an informative app that really improved user experience.

Jameson Destination Dublin Pub Tour App- We created a promotion for Jameson within which players visited four pubs. At each pub they earned badges and if they completed the tour they won a free drink! This was a fun development employing gamification techniques and increasing brand awareness.

National Famine Way Walking Tour App– This app follows walkers as they complete the Famine Way. It shows local services and landmarks nearby. It also includes videos of historians who provide information on the famine, providing a truly immersive experience.

At Return2Sender, we lead promotional app development in Ireland so please get in touch here to create your app.

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